关于 Songift | about Songift

一首歌的礼物 Songift


Collaborate with Xiaotian to write a song that encapsulates your heart — a gift for yourself or a loved one.

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After years of working as a music therapist and writing songs on her own, Xiaotian developed Songift - a collaborative songwriting program that combines the healing effect music therapy with the creative and aesthetic experience in songwriting. During a 2~3 month’s time, collaborator works with Xiaotian in weekly 1-on-1 sessions to explore, express, and encapsulate everything into a song.

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细节 | Details

Songift 适合的人 Songift is for those who…

  • 喜欢音乐,喜欢听歌,喜欢富有创造性的事物和体验。

    loves music and songs, and enjoys creative experiences

  • 在重要关系中 (比如家人/伴侣/自己) 抱持着很多情感和情绪 — 也许是深刻的爱,找不到合适的方式纪念或表达;也许是难以言喻的痛,想放却放不下。

    are holding a lot of emotions from important relationships (such as with family/partner/self). Maybe it’s the deep love that needs expression and honoring; maybe it’s struggles and pains that are hard to let go.

或者 or…

  • 在人生中重大转折/过渡期,经历人生阶段的变化(比如学生步入社会,突然失业,退休,结婚/离婚,迎接新生命/面对死亡,等等),在这些充满不确定的情形中,感到迷茫,困惑,甚至焦虑,恐惧,怀疑,烦躁...

    those who are going through important transitions and changes in life (such as career change, retirement, marriage or divorce, new birth or death, etc.), feeling lost, confused, or overwhelmed by anxiety, fear, doubt……

或者 or…

  • 试过了传统的心理治疗,冥想,瑜伽,各类修行... 但仍有心结解不开。

Songift 会帮助你与自己的情感连接,共处。以感性为主,理性佐之的方式,在共同创作歌曲的体验中自然地疏解情绪,纪念情感,获得清晰和洞见。在3-4个月的工作之后,会有一首属于你自己的歌曲,是为纪念,或作为礼物送给重要的人。

At Songift, Xiaotian creates a safe and comfortable space for personal, vulnerable feelings, emotions, and stories. During the collaborative song-writing journey, you will experience authentic dialogue, improvisational game of various sorts, and occasional music therapy interventions — all to help expressing your heart in an effortless way. Naturally, you will work through the pains, honor the richness of your feelings, and gain clarity and insight. Your unique song will be recorded and produced in the end, and you can send it to someone special as a gift.

流程概览 The Process

*过往合作者用三到四个月完成整个体验。Previous collaborators took 3 - 4 months to finish the complete experience.

  1. 初聊:与小天彼此了解;聊聊这首歌—为什么想写,想写点什么(50分钟,1 - 3 次)?

    Initial discussion sessions: Why would you like to write a song? What is it about? (50min, 1 - 3 times)

  2. 积累创作材料:借助即兴写作/涂鸦,引导冥想等方式,我们一起从感性角度探索你对主题的个人体验和情感。这个阶段中也许会生成歌词或旋律的草稿。(50分钟,3 - 4次)

    Creative songwriting sessions: through improvisational writing, doodling, guided meditation and other creative and playful ways, we dive into the personal experience and emotions about the topic. Raw material such as lyrics, melody, or a general mood for the song may be composed during this phase. (50min, 2 - 4 times)

  3. 音乐创作和修改:在上个阶段中,根据你喜欢的 草稿,我们会一起将歌曲发展完整,修改至定稿。(30-50分钟,3-4 次)

    Songwriting and editing: Xiaotian will offer one or more draft song for review. We discuss opinions and edit the song accordingly till finalization. (30-50min, 1 - 3 times)

  4. 录制和制作:根据具体要求,可能需要 2 - 4 周时间不等。

    Recording: Xiaotian will record the song according to the finalized draft version. This may take 1 -4 weeks according to the specific demands of the song.

特别之处 The Experience

  • 说不出口的,放在歌里。对于亲近的人,比如父母,孩子,爱人,自己 ......我们的真实感情往往很难表达出口,这时,歌曲的虚构空间让我们能够大胆,安全地表达,游戏,甚至改写。写好之后给不给对方听,由你决定。

    It is often difficult for us to express our true, vulnerable emotions to those who are the closest to us: lovers, partners, parents, children, etc. The fictional space of a song provides a safe container for us to express, play, even rewrite our experiences. After all, you get to decide whether you want to give the song to that person.

  • 没有评判,只有探索。我会和你一起,带着好奇去探索你想探索的主题。人的情感不分好坏对错,因而这里没有评判。

    No judgement, only exploration. Together, with curiosity but no judgement, we will explore the bits and pieces of a topic, a memory, a feeling, or anything that you want to write about.

  • 疗愈的可能。 如果主题中有痛苦的部分,当你坦诚面对自己的感受,疗愈自然会发生。但疗愈只是创作过程但副产品,不是目的。

    The possibility for healing. When there is pain, healing starts once you look at the pain with honesty. That’s what songwriting help us to do — with grace and a tolerable distance. Here, healing is not the final goal but only a natural by-product of songwriting.

  • 如果一定要有目的:创作的过程会帮助我们探索,表达和梳理内心,而最终的音乐作品,是我们融入自己的审美,对于个人史独一无二的叙述。

    We will be able to explore, express, and clarify what’s inside through the writing; we get to infuse our aesthetics and our own narrative about our experience into the final work of music.

  • 创造代替消费。不同于消费品的即时感官刺激(和快速厌倦),写歌是需要你用心参与的创造性体验。你可以将自己参与创作的歌曲,或者整个创作体验送给自己或别人。

    Create, not consume. Rather than the instant gratification and boredom that comes with purchasing something, creating a song requires us to participate — wholeheartedly. You can create a song as a gift for someone, or gift someone with this songwriting experience.

隐私保护 Confidentiality


All confidential material, including personal identity information, will be strictly protected and not published in any situation (unless with written consent by both parties).

歌曲版权 Copyright


Xiaotian and the collaborators share the copy right of the songs. Details will be discussed and agreed upon before starting the work.

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